Lavender Rosemary


his is a pretty soap, that both sexes enjoy.  The scent of Lavender has the relaxing scent of a massage spa, and the good dose of Rosemary oil centers and balances the mind.

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his is a pretty soap, that both sexes enjoy.  The scent of Lavender has the relaxing scent of a massage spa, and the good dose of Rosemary oil centers and balances the mind.

his is a pretty soap, that both sexes enjoy.  The scent of Lavender has the relaxing scent of a massage spa, and the good dose of Rosemary oil centers and balances the mind.

Ingredients:  Detergent Free Base ( Saponified oils of soybean & coconut). Goat's milk, Shea butter, Olive oil, Aloe Vera, Honey, Vitamin E. Essential oil blend : Lavender, Rosemary. Mica mineral coloring.

(4.5 oz./127g.) Soap Bar

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